Home Business Reasons to Consider Establishing a Trust in Singapore

Reasons to Consider Establishing a Trust in Singapore


To be very honest, setting up a trust in Singapore is not an easy task. You have to go through legal procedures bind by the law. However, setting up a trust could result in the best decision you have ever made. That is because of the advantages it brings with itself. When a facility is kept in trust, one person (the trustee) is in charge of administering it for the sake of another (the beneficiary). Trust are of many types such as Family trust, financial asset trust, standby trust, charitable trust, and property trust. Now, let’s swim through the benefits of setting up a trust in Singapore.

Benefits of establishing a trust in Singapore

●       Tax benefit

One of the reasons why most people jump into setting up a trust is because of the tax benefits it offers. You can declare yourself as the trustee and another person beneficiary who is a resident of Singapore and belongs to the lower tax bracket. This will allow the income to be taxed in the beneficiary’s tax bracket. Thus, you can save tax with a trust.

●       Charitable cause

Some people do not want to save taxes rather they want to contribute some of their income to charity. The best way to do it is to create trust of your own. In theory, a charitable trust is built forever. In short, the trust may continue to do charity even when the contributor is retired or inactive. Anyone can contribute to a charitable trust.

●       Asset protection from creditors

In case of bankruptcy, the assets are divided into creditors to settle the claims. However, a businessman can prevent this from happening by creating trust. Irrevocable trusts are those where you cannot remove your assets at a later date or alter your opinion. You do not include trust properties in your pool of assets after they are established. You will not have the opportunity to distribute the assets to your creditors if you refuse to pay.

The Bottom Line

Setting up a trust may be a good idea depending on the reason why you are setting it up. However, it is not an easy task to establish trust. You have to go through legal procedures and follow the law. However, you can take the help of a lawyer. A lawyer will help you in setting up a trust and make the process easy. And for that, you can visit the Precepts Group Internal website.

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