CBD is probably the rage in the recent days since it can possibly treat several medical problems. This product also acts as a medication for some common ailments like insomnia, anxiety and pain. CBD almost seems too good to be true, touted for its non-intoxicating qualities and health benefits.
However, before you ingest this product you ought to know what is CBD, what kind of effect does it have on a person and if it’s addictive. It’s also significant you know if all the CBD based products in the market are safe for consumption. With that said, here are some information you need to stay informed with when it comes to CBD.
What is CBD
Of course, there are numerous chemicals found in cannabis but most people often know about THC. Yet, CBD is another chemical that is found in cannabis and it’s increasingly becoming popular especially for use in wellness products. This product is made by simply extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with another oil such as coconut oil or hemp seed oil.
Although CBD is found in both hemp and marijuana, the CBD extracted from hemp is the most effective and commonly used in CBD products since it normally contains less than one percent THC. Typically, most individuals lack proper knowledge about CBD, how it works and how it differs from other cannabis compounds like THC. But the primary difference between CBD and THC is that CBD products can’t get you high.
What are the Effects of CBD
CBD normally works by interacting with certain receptors in the brain and it directs the body to use more of its own cannabinoids. Generally, CBD can possibly tell the body how to perceive pain or inflammation, deal with anxiety and how the body can better balance itself. Hempproducts do not make a person feel high when ingested and there are no noticeable psychoactive effects in this product.
In fact many users claim to feel less anxious, more energized and better rested after they consume a CBD product. Nonetheless, this product has some negative side effects that all its users should be aware of such as irritability, vomiting, nausea, mood changes and many more. CBD can possibly stay in your system for about three to four day before it’s entirely cleared from a person’s body.