Home Health How IHiS Team Added COVID-19 Pandemic Features in New System

How IHiS Team Added COVID-19 Pandemic Features in New System


The COVID-19 pandemic has made life almost unbearable ever since the first case was reported in Singapore. After all, it made it difficult for individuals and businesses to go about their daily-activities. This is because many people were rendered jobless after the closure of most businesses in Singapore.

Furthermore, other had to work from home without interacting with their colleagues. While normalcy is slowing returning in the country, we have to thank those who played a vital role in containing the virus.And when giving out accolades, we can never forgetabout the Integrated Health Information System (IHiS), the architect and implementer of public healthcare systems in Singapore. 

You might already be wondering how IHiS worked to overhaul Covid counter measures. To give you a tip of the iceberg, the team at IHiS worked day and night to come up with the command, control and communications (C3) system.IHiS pandemic management systems were leveraged by the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and has helped the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) to quickly make bed space available for patients and safely navigate the crowd flow as COVID-19 numbers surged.

For those who might have no idea about what we are talking about, the C3 system relies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics. This is quite fascinating as it helps predict demand for hospital beds and other healthcare resources. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why IHiS is a “Tech Heroes from Crisis” winner.

The system made IHiS honored in IT Leader Awards and has garnered more than 80 awards for its innovations. Today, IHiS supports the operations of 46 public healthcare institutions including acute hospitals, specialty centers and polyclinics. It doesn’t stop at that since it boasts over 1,400 partners including community hospitals, nursing homes, general practitioner clinics, and voluntary welfare organizations.

The Bottom Line

The C3 System by IHiS has certainly helped the healthcare sector in Singapore greatly, especially when it comes to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This system has over 1,500 indicators, including tracking of hospital equipment and how congested beds and wards are, many of which are monitored in real-time.

You ought to keep in mind that the CEO of IHiS is Bruce Liang as stated by Straits Times and continues to play a vital role in making the agency successful. Check out its official website today to find out more.

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