For several years, Singapore has remained to be one of the world’s most technologically advanced countries. To guarantee Singapore will continue to be a key player in technology and innovations, sufficient support is given to small to medium-sized enterprises.This support is essential as it encourages the adoption of IT solutions, equipment and consultancy services for digitalization.
Therefore, the government has introduced the Productivity Solutions Grant to assist businesses in their digital transformation journey. So, here is how a small medium-sized enterprise can apply for the PSG Digital Marketing grantwithout the hassle.
Visit Go-business GOV Assist
Going to the Go Business website is the first crucial step you need to take when applying for a PSG digital marketing grant or e-commerce PSG grant. Once you are in their home page, you can look for the Government Assistance Box. Inside the box you’ll find a list like eligible schemes, Productivity Solutions Grant and Business Grant Portal.
You can have an easy access of the PSG grant portal by clicking on the Productivity Solutions Grant text which will then direct you to the overview page of the Productivity Solutions Grant. While on the overview page of the Productivity Solutions Grant or PSG grant portal, you’ll also find another list that consists of pre-scoped IT solution, pre-scoped equipment and pre-scoped consultancy service. Apart from FAQS, you can as well choose one of the three when applying for a PSG grant to resolve your needs.
Request a Quotation from a Pre-approved Vendor or Consultant
Whether for a solutions or equipment grant, you should ensure you request a quotation from aPSG grant digital marketing pre-approved vendor or consultant first. You need to contact your preferred vendor or consultant and ask for a quote from them before submitting your application for the PSG digital marketing or e-commerce grant.
For instance, if you own an e-commerce store and also have digital marketing needs, you’ll need to get a quote from a digital marketing company about the services you need from the PSG pre-approved vendor. Once you have chosen a PSG pre-approved vendor, you possibly see the digital marketing packages they are offering under the PSG grant. After you find a quote, you should ensure there is a list of digital marketing services they will do for your e-commerce store. It is then that you can proceed with your application for the PSG digital marketing government funding.