Are you looking forward to building a website or web app using JavaScript? If so, you can never risk forgetting all about JavaScript SEO as it plays an important role in the success of your website. You want to drive more organic traffic and get more conversions, and this can only happen if you invest in good SEO.
Unfortunately, most people struggle to make their content easily discoverable by search engines. And they are not to blame since you ought to factor in a lot of things before you finally get it right. Let’s look at a few SEO techniques to help users find your content.
Write a Descriptive Title
First things first, be sure to write descriptive titles that describe what the page is about in a short phrase to make your webpage SEO friendly. It doesn’t stop there since you should also provide a description of what the page will contain. That way, you give people something to help them identify the best page to fulfill their desired goals. Keep in mind this action also goes a long way in helping Google understand what it takes to match searches with a page.
Link Your Pages Properly
The status code is responsible for the loading speed of your webpage. No wonder you should do everything it takes to update the proper status code. Furthermore, allow Google bots to crawl from your website by linking between your pages properly. When doing this, remember to include useful links and texts.
For you to give your competitors a run for their money, you need to use the HTML anchor tag with the destination URL of the link in the href attribute. Links are vital features of the website and make it easy for search engines and users to find and understand the relationship between pages.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to JavaScript SEO, ensure your users can load a webpage properly and write a descriptive title. The simple things you decide to do will certainly go a long way in making sure you increase the ranking of your website while at the same time driving immense organic traffic.
Pay a visit to MediaOne’s official website and get more details on JavaScript SEO. With the knowledge and skills you get, it will prove quite easy for you to handle your SEO campaign and attain success.