Foods to Avoid with a Gluten Intolerance


If you happen to have a gluten intolerance, then it is in your best interest to avoid some foods. Celiac disease, wheat allergy, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity all entail an adverse reaction too gluten and are mostly treated using a gluten-free diet. This conditions are regarded to as forms of gluten intolerance.

Even though celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity may cause intestinal damage and lead to symptoms, such as gas, diarrhea, and bloating, celiac is an autoimmune condition associated with other serious health effects, like stunted growth, anemia, and neurological effects.

Having said that, this article takes you through the foods to avoid with gluten intolerance. Read on below to uncover more!

Most Breads, Crackers, and Wraps

You’d be surprised to know that most breads, crackers, and wraps contain gluten. And the only way to be certain for sure is to check the ingredient lies and see which grains are used. If having a gluten intolerance, then you should try as much as possible to avoid white bread, whole wheat bread, potato bread, rye bread, and sourdough bread.

Wheat Baked Pastas

There’s no denying that pasta remains to be a staple in many cultures worldwide. While you can never run out of options when in dire need of gluten-free alternatives to consume, most traditional pastas are made with gluten containing grains. For this reason, you should steer clear from eating noodles, spaghetti, dumplings and gnocchi made with wheat flour if having gluten intolerance.

Several Processed Foods and Other Items

As we conclude, it is essential to mention that many processed foods and other popular items may also harbor gluten. That’s why you should be aware of them to avoid their inclusion in your diet. They include meat substitutes, such as veggie burgers and hot dogs, prepared lunch meats, processed cheese, egg substitutes, puddings and instant dessert mixes, to name a few.

The above are merely some of the most common foods to avoid with gluten intolerance. Ensure you’re fully aware of all the foodstuff to avoid to keep your health in check.

Joey Matthew
Joey Matthew
Joey Matthew is a passionate writer who loves to share knowledge and insights on various topics through their writing. With a background in writing, he brings a unique perspective and expertise to his work.

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